8 Holiday Considerations for Commercial Interior Design

 In Industry Insights and Trends

The holiday season has a variety of impacts on the way most businesses operate. This could take the form of altered hours of operation, new sales and offerings, or even a change in appearance.

Many bars and restaurants are getting in on the trend of creating “pop-up” themes throughout the holidays. This involves completely changing their theme, service style, and commercial interior design scheme.

And while those practices are fun, they aren’t for everybody. However, many commercial businesses update their interior design around the holidays, even if they don’t go as far as the pop-ups. Everyone from office buildings to restaurants frequently shift around seating, put up new decorations, or otherwise alter their floor plan to join in on the festivities.

But how do you do this effectively without hindering your business?

Here are 8 things to keep in mind for commercial interior design this holiday season:

  1. Identify a Goal
  2. Stick With a Theme
  3. Keep Accessibility in Mind
  4. Maintain a Professional Atmosphere
  5. Have Some Fun
  6. Branch Out
  7. Keep Safety in Mind
  8. Enlist the Help of Experts

1. Identify a Goal

This might seem obvious, but it’s good to solidify what you hope to accomplish with your commercial interior design before making any moves.

Are you hoping to make the office a little more interesting for your coworkers?Do you want clients and customers to feel more comfortable when they enter your facility? Are you trying to instill a degree of whimsy to your standard work atmosphere?

There are many reasons to tailor your commercial interior design to the holidays. Laying that out in plain terms will help direct the rest of your decisions.

2. Stick With a Theme

There are many ways to communicate a theme in your commercial interior design.

Are you putting up new decorations to reflect the holiday season? Try to keep the same colors throughout them.

Will you be rearranging your floor plan to accommodate new additions? Take care to give everybody enough room to get their work done while maintaining an orderly arrangement.

A constant theme will help make the new setup come across as more intentional to both coworkers as well as clients and employees.

Visit Southeast Venture to learn more about commercial interior design in Nashville, TN today!

3. Keep Accessibility in Mind

As always, accessibility and ADA guidelines need to be kept in mind when rearranging anything within your establishment. Don’t block doorways. Make sure your passageways are large enough for a wheelchair to easily pass through.

It can be easy to get caught up in the seasonal fun and focus strictly on what looks good. However, you need to keep more practical matters in mind. Not only does maintaining an accessible setup make your place of work comfortable for everybody, it keeps you in line with the law.

4. Maintain a Professional Atmosphere

You have to remember that it is a place of business. There will always need to be a degree of professionalism around to help keep your coworkers engaged, and give your employees and clients a reason to take you seriously.

There is a delicate balance between festive interior design and professionalism. An experienced commercial interior designer can help your Nashville business find the perfect blend of a professional atmosphere and a festive spirit.

5. Have Some Fun

You don’t have to get too bogged down in the mechanics of seasonal commercial interior design. One of the main purposes of doing this in the first place is to simply have a good time. And the more fun you have putting your new design together, the more fun everyone else will have experiencing it.

6. Branch Out

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Seasonal commercial interior design can bring a spark of life to just about any working environment. Anyone who walks through your doors is going to appreciate a break from the norm.

And don’t be afraid to literally branch out and put up a decorative tree!

7. Keep Safety in Mind

Through it all, just keep some best practices in mind. Don’t hang items from overhead sprinkler systems. Be conscious of where you are plugging in various lights and other mechanics. Overloading an outlet can lead to mechanical failures, and even fires.

You want to create a memorable display because of how well it went, not because of the opposite.

8. Enlist the Help of Experts

As always, when in doubt, contact a group of professionals. An expert commercial interior design firm in Nashville, TN can help you put together a presentation and setup that will truly impress your coworkers and customers.

Constant Southeast Venture today!